
Explore a few of the most popular workshops, Mountain 10 and Career Crossroads.

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 Workshop Overview

Offered in three-hour to three-day formats. Virtually and in -person.

Mountain 10 Topics

Journey to Positive Change: Access inner wisdom for desired changes.

What Do You Really Want?: Realize your deepest desires.

Your Next Best Step: Explore and chart your course forward.

All of the Mountain 10 workshops take you on a journey using ancient labyrinths, mandalas, and paths, we’ll show you a simple and effective way to navigate your personal growth.

Why Choose Mountain 10?

Mountain 10 workshops provide a tested and effective strategy to listen to the vision that calls at the center of your being.

The approach integrates:

– Creativity and Innovation
– Body, Mind, and Spirit Wholeness
– Practical Wisdom

Trust Your Own Experience

In a world overflowing with external information, Mountain 10 emphasizes the importance of trusting your own wisdom. Our workshops help you:

– Clarify values and principles
– Integrate information and dreams
– Live authentically and purposefully

Contact Me:

Mountain 10: Climbing the Labyrinth Within – Your journey to inner wisdom starts here.

Image of a pink lotus in a calm pond with a green lilly pad.


Who is this for?

* Professionals seeking to navigate pivotal points in their careers
*Individuals looking for actionable strategies to overcome career challenges
*Emerging leaders ready to take their careers to the next level
*Career explorers looking to align their paths with their passions and strengths
*Anyone at a professional crossroads, eager to unlock their full potential

Ready to transform your career journey? This online course is crafted just for you.

What you will do:

1. reflect on your past employment experience

2. consider your unique talents and gifts and values

3. allow yourself to grieve and let go of the past

4. chart a course for the future.

Play Video about career crossroads pilot

Click on the video for an exclusive sneak peek into Session One of Career Crossroads


“Thanks so much, Julie, it’s all because of you and as teachers, we always say, if I can have an impact on one student in this class, I am happy. And that’s what you have done for me.”

-Class Participant

Free Resource


What’s Inside:

  • Discover Your Path: Explore reflective exercises to gain clarity about your career trajectory.

  • Identify Strengths: Pinpoint your top three strengths and recall instances where you’ve excelled.

  • Passion Exploration: List activities that genuinely excite you and reflect on integrating them into your career


“What a wonderful gift to the world. Well done! I love the upbeat tone, comprehensive range of topics, engaging design, and consistent message of self-reflection. “


“The booklet looks fabulous with interesting questions”


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